What is the ePortfolio?
The ePortfolio (officially named ‘Clinical Learning Australia’ or ‘CLA’) is a record of learning for all PGY1 and PGY2 prevocational trainees across Australia. It will host the term description form, list the supervisors associated with a term and also record learning goals, training completed and mid and end-of-term assessments. The ePortfolio will be designed to support the recently implemented National Framework for Prevocational Medical Training (PGY1 & PGY2).
Further information can be found within the AMC’s ‘Training and Assessment’ document.
When will it be in use?
My Knowledge Map is currently in the final stages of developing the ePortfolio (‘Clinical Learning Australia’ or ‘CLA’). Further information including FAQs, training and resources are available on the digitalhealth.gov.au website. Health sites in WA are anticipated to start using the ePortfolio during Term 1, 2025.
Is there training?
Each health site has a key user (administrator) for the ePortfolio who has received training on how to use the system. From here, key users will organise training for their health site’s supervisors and prevocational doctors.
Those with roles involving supervising and assessing PGY1 or PGY2 prevocational doctors should have received information about training for the ePortfolio. Supervisors who have not received anything yet should get in touch with their relevant health site’s medical education unit.