Applications for 2025 WA intern positions are now closed.
In WA applications that meet all eligibility criteria, and all essential criteria are included in the suitable recruitment pool. Once in the suitable pool, selection and recruitment decisions are made by the primary employing hospitals.
As with all other Australian jurisdictions, priority is given to Commonwealth funded medical students graduating from our own jurisdiction. This is then followed by Western Australians graduating from interstate universities who want to return to WA; international medical students graduating from WA medical schools; then graduates from other jurisdictions (other than WA). The priority then shifts to international medical graduates from outside of Australia. WA's intern categories for 2025 can be viewed here.
Vacancies arise as offers are declined throughout the process, and these vacancies fluctuate each year and will affect how many students outside of WA are offered an intern position.
Referees will be contacted directly from MedCareersWA, and will be provided with an electronic referee report template to complete. Whilst referees can be contacted at any stage throughout the recruitment process, it is likely that referees will be contacted once applications close (i.e. after 6 June).
In WA all interns are employed by a Primary Employing Health Service (PEHS) accredited by PMCWA. Each PEHS is a major tertiary hospital in WA which has been accredited to directly employ interns and provide a high quality intern training program.
The 6 PEHSs in WA are:
All 6 WA Health PEHS recruit through the Centralised Intern Application Process. Each PEHS holds an information session during the application period, with presentations from the Medical Education teams, current interns and more.
Following the close of applications in the centralised application process, all applications are reviewed by PMCWA and a pool created for all suitable applications. Applications appointed to the pool are grouped and managed according to the applicable priority category. Applications appointed to the pool will be offered positions according to category as positions are available and selection processes completed.
WA also participates in a National Audit, coordinated by the National Audit Data Manager, to identify applicants who have applied for and/or accepted intern positions in more than one state/territory. Further information about the audit can be found in the National Audit Flyer for the 2025 Clinical Year.