First Year Trainee Headcount*
Advanced Trainee Headcount*
New College Fellow Headcount*
Specialist Headcount*
Median Age*
Headcount Over 65 Years Old*
*WA figures sourced from NHWDS & MET

Neurology is a specialty dealing with disorders of the nervous system. It offers great clinical medicine and a wide variety in case mix with a need for strong clinical acumen, compared to a lot of the other specialties.

The work is variable between clinics and inpatients. Most neurologists work in both public and private hospitals, and some are involved in research as well.

The following skills and requirements are required to be a neurologist:

  • Naturally curious
  • Comfortable in the zone of the unknown – there is a lot left to be discovered and understood in the field of neurology
  • Love of practising clinical medicine

The annual intake into neurology training in Western Australia is three advanced trainees (on average). It is a centralised recruitment scheme that is run through The Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists via a national match system.

The training program is becoming increasingly competitive to get onto. Being passionate about neurology is key and selectors like to see dedication to the field of neurology, so it is very important to have done at least one term in neurology prior to applying to the program.

There is no exit exam and it’s a three-year advanced training program after you have completed your basic physician training.

Career prospects in neurology are currently very good. There are long waitlists in Western Australian - currently waitlists are seven months in private hospitals and up to two years in public hospitals. Majority of neurologists work in both public and private hospitals.