Training to become an intensive care specialist is facilitated through the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (CICM). The training program is roughly six years if you’re efficient but typically it could take a little bit longer and includes two years of core ICU, a year of transitional ICU, a year of anaesthetics then some medicine, some paediatrics, some rural and an elective.
There are lots of opportunities for you to get exposure to intensive care through your prevocational years, either directly through ICU terms or indirectly through other activities such audits, research and training (ALS1, ALS2 or ATLS). You can complete ultrasound courses because intensive care medicine is becoming an increasingly ultrasound focused specialty so it’s good to learn to do CAT scans, ultrasound guided vascular access, thoracic, etc. A lot of these opportunities are offered here in Perth via CTEC, and NEXUS.
If you do already know you want to get onto the program you can be quite efficient in your RMO years. For example, you could do a rural or paediatrics term and get this recognised as prior learning once you get onto the training program.
Not only will these activities help you to determine whether intensive care is the right profession for you, it will provide you with great experience and background to include in your application for the college. Ultimately, showing that you’re keen and getting involved in intensive care gets you a long way.
The College is quite unique in that they don’t organise your jobs for you. You need to seek out specific jobs at each of the hospitals although the application process is becoming more centralised.
CICM only has one intake per year – generally mid-year so it’s important you get your application completed and submitted in a timely manner. Foundation units which take six months can be completed at most of the ICUs around Perth. You’ll get a good scope and breadth if you go to one of the more peripheral units (such as SJOG Midland and Armadale) and they’re more likely to take on a more junior service registrar.
There are two very big exams that you need to complete. The first one is an exam that you sit at the very beginning and then you need to sit an exit exam. Both require a lot of study – typically around 9 – 12 months. It’s challenging to get through these exams on top of the shiftwork and the many challenging situations you might encounter in ICU such as end-of-life care, palliation, brain death testing and organ donation.
Starting the training program in PGY4 is generally the best option because this allows you to get a broad background in general medicine, infectious diseases, cardiology and emergency medicine. Some trainees (particularly with the current COVID-19 pandemic) stepped up from PGY3 into ICU registrar roles which was necessary at the time but not ideal.
Further information around training time and requirements can be found here