The Australian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Training Program is a minimum five-year training program (full-time FTE) which can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis. To be eligible to apply for selection into ACEM training, you must be in at least your third postgraduate year. There are other eligibility criteria that can be found on the ACEM
You have 12 years in total to complete the training program and there’s a generous parental leave policy you can access.
You never know what’s going to come through the door of the Emergency Department, so the College encourages up to 18 months of non-ED terms. You do need to do six months of critical care which can either be ICU or anaesthetics.
You get to decide your own placements which allows you to have the flexibility to move around WA, interstate, or Aotearoa New Zealand. You can even go overseas and complete some training, and this can count towards your training so you’re getting more experience and variety.
There are directors of emergency medicine training at each site who will guide you through the training and assessments. There are four exams in total throughout the program.
In your third postgraduate year, a 6-month (FTE) emergency medicine term is required to meet eligibility for selection. Your supervising emergency specialists will act as your referees for your college application.
There is no interview and there is no quota so if you meet the standard you’re in. You begin training at the start of the medical training year which is in February.
All eligibility requirements must be met by the time of the application’s closing date – Round 1 is mid-year and Round 2 is around October. You can apply in either round, there’s no difference and it won’t make any difference to your start date. You’ll always start in February the following year.