You have now received a request from PMCWA to be a trainee surveyor for an upcoming survey.
Step 1: Ensure you can allocate appropriate time to the following tasks:
- Pre-reading: Approximately one week before the survey visit you will be emailed a link to the documents in relation to the departments/sites you will be surveying. It’s a good idea to allocate an hour or so to ensure you have time to read and analyse the information, so you are prepared for how best to approach the survey questions.
- Survey visit: PMCWA will notify you of the duration of the survey visit when you are booked in (half day or a full day). Survey visits range from half a day to three days maximum, although you will only even be expected to do a single day.
- Report writing: Although as a trainee survey your role in report writing will be minimal you will still be asked to contribute to this process, which is best done within a few days of the survey. Ensure you can dedicate between an hour so for this process.
Step 2: Understand and comply with the processes listed below. PMCWA will email you this information for you to read and sign when you register your interest to be a surveyor.
- Confidentiality and information management
- Appeals process
Step 3: Understand the survey team
- The survey team: The survey team consists of a lead surveyor, support surveyor and a trainee surveyor.
- The lead surveyor is a consultant doctor and experienced PMCWA surveyor who holds ultimate responsibility for the survey process. They will take the lead on the day in welcoming the interviewees, conducting introductions, leading the questions, wrapping up at the end of the interviews and at the end of the day and coordinating the writing of reports.
- The support surveyor is an experienced accreditation surveyor who will work with the team to ask questions, take notes and provide their suggestions, comments and opinions to the lead surveyor for consideration.
- As a trainee surveyor your role is to watch, learn and gradually become more involved in asking questions as part of interviews, and in making contributions to report writing. This will happen under the guidance and support of the lead surveyor and support surveyor, and your responsibilities will increase as you become more familiar and competent with the process. Both the lead and support surveyor will mentor you through the process and you are welcome to ask them any questions you may have!